Where I'm From. . .

Salt Lake Tribune - Judge ruling: Polygamous sect leader's trial to stay in S. Utah

In the big little city of SLC that I grew up in I found a lot of great and wondrous things. I also had friends from all walks of life.

Some of the friends I had were from secret polygamist families, so they had 'sister moms'. They kept things secret because the law kept them from living the way they believed was righteous (righteous: living by spiritual law)

Now I live in the big city of Seattle where there is a different type of secret marriage not recognized by the state.

Where in the course of a free society do we get to tell consenting adults how to live?

Deb brought up an interesting point about some of the arguments about 'letting' a man marry a man or a woman marry a woman has been equated to a human marrying a dog. It's true, some of the people we knew in Utah felt that the marriage that Seattle plays host to can be equated to, or at least would lead to the argument for, bestiality marriage (A.k.a. Marriage of the black sheep???). But they claim thee sacred marriage in Utah is a religious right, or should be.

Equating the Seattle type of marriage to such a thing is like equating the secret Utah marriage to wedding an 6 year old. An animal can not make intelligent consent. Nor can a young girl or boy. Hence the reason I ALWAYS make clear the fact that anyone should be able to wed and marry anyone else so long as all people involved are consenting adults.

Some will whip out the list of rights granted to a married couple and say they can not (or should not) be extended to gay or polygamist marriages.

I say why not. Don't tell me this is the land of the free then tell others who they can love and live happily ever after with.

Furthermore, I have had debates with polygamists who state that a 14 year old girl is old enough to approve of marriage.

Let me make one thing clear here. Mormom marriages are not till death do us part. The marriage vow states that these people will be married for time and all eternity.

If at fourteen she has reached in the smallest fraction of the rest of eternity that you could possibly allow, the age where she can consent to giving her soul to this bundle of wives and a patriarchal leader, then we must on the same birthday party give her the gold card and perhaps a cell phone.

The age of consent may be less than 18, but young teens are not ready to make the lifelong determination of whom will be the best partner for their future. Trusting a local religious leader to make the choice for the girls is even less acceptable. Perhaps he needs a well to be dug and so old Jesse bends the ear of the pathetic prophetic leader to wed him to the hot young chick in the three beige dresses and coveralls.

But mind you she does not know she is hot.

She thinks she is a humble servant of the religious community from which she sprung.

Why should she consent to marrying Jesse???

Cuz that's how it's always been done.

If the Polygamists did what the Omish do and send their kids out into the world for a year to see what is going on I would feel very different about the way they live. But the seclusion and suppression in some polygamists groups of what the world holds is no way to convince a girl she is making the best long term choice. In fact it is the sure way to keep her from making a choice contrary to what the male dominant leaders wish.

"With your liberal ideals we'd have plural gay marriages and interracial unions!!!" Utah Conservationist

My reply, "I don't care if five guys and three women want to join into one happy union together. If they truly want to spend the rest of their lives together we should not raise a hand to stop them. Pass no law to hinder them. Stop wasting taxpayer dollars on consenting adults!!!"

Freedom. . .

Yeah right!!!


shellswick said…
I've said it before and I'll say it again till I die, or the laws change, if ya don't like gay marriage, don't get gay married.

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