How "Poor" are America's Poor?
How "Poor" are America's Poor?
This does not imply that times are not rough in America, but they do put it into an international context. And that is very important.
Scott Lindsley
(revised opinion in the comments)
This does not imply that times are not rough in America, but they do put it into an international context. And that is very important.
Scott Lindsley
(revised opinion in the comments)
They quote Rush Limblaugh so they obviously are conservative wankers on his issues, but they also have a link to which is an org that I support.
So to sum up my take on the right-wing H-foundation itself, I would never add them as a perma-link on my blog and have disagreed strongly with issues they have supported in earlier posts on my blog (ie. nafta & cafta) though not with them directly.
I don't dismiss the article I posted outright as you do, though I will revise my stance on the article itself.
But first I must add a point of clarification here, if the only perspective that you will accept for the 'poor' in America is the one that declares that they will not have it good till they have your philosophical fix, then you must keep a constant and pessimistic opinion of life for the poor in America.
No matter how 'good' they actually have it.
If the only way you will think well of the poor in America is if they have a state mandated 'living wage' and socialized meds/healthcare, then I would have to disagree with you. I do not see that as being the only acceptable solution.
In fact, without transparency, accountability and the ability to do efficiency audits your fix would be as bad as any private system you can imagine.
Why should corporate power be shunned for abuse, but the state be allowed to waste without recourse?
If you go into history and look at many people who were once oppressed, from American slaves to people that lived under monarchs in Europe and elsewhere, the vast majority want one simple thing. . . to be free.
In fact, to be let alone to rise without the constraints of involuntary servitude or tyranny has been one of mankind’s greatest desires.
Free at last. Thank God Al’mighty, free at last!
We have a vast number of actions by the American government that have a huge negative impact on the minorities and poor in America.
This must stop.
Now, if I might address the report directly.
Yes, the report is old, and surely the data is outdated and apparently pointed towards the conservative side (sheesh, I'm glad I'm not a conservative).
Fine, then it is a lesson to the modern method of org's that twist the facts in their favour.
If this were a newspaper this would be called 'yellow journalism'.
And truly a refresh by the foundation would include the likes of 'number of poor that have cell phones and hi-fi stereos and whatnot'. Though it still would not be relevant to the valid points you bring up.
But I can not simply think on the poor with an endless well of pity.
Don't assume that this means I do not care.
I think that a greater prosperity for ALL will come from extracting the meddlesome system from our lives.
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." JFK
This should go for the rich and the poor.
No exemptions for the rich, opportunity over handouts for the poor.
We have to create a system that provides equal protection under the law. We must also accept that we can not guarantee equal results.
Many in America have it really bad. I would be an idiot to suggest otherwise. And we Americans have vast amounts of wealth that I would love to see spread all over the world.
I prefer the Japanese model where the top paid person shall not make more than ten times the lowest paid employee.
I just can not initiate force to achieve that goal. I seek other methods of persuasion as a libertarian.
I don't shop at wal-mart as I do not like the way they pay their employees (though I am glad they have employees).
I donate to KEXP as I like the way they operate.
So if we stop co-opting the poor to fight America's war(s).
Stop putting our stars behind bars.
Stop placing race on the card in politics.
Stop polluting the environment.
Stop letting our schools push minorities through the cracks.
Stop wasting vast amounts of monies on a war machine.
Stop smiling when politicians give raises to themselves and the staff that keeps them in power (R) or (D). [the people should be the only ones to vote raises to politicians]
Stop arguing for a system that does not hold itself accountable to anyone but the dumb'd down majority.
Stop letting the govt out of auditing for efficiency, transparency.
Then we will have progress.
We must remove barriers for international trade so poor countries like Africa can find more prosperity by freely trading with America (As Bono has suggested. Go BONO!!!)
We must end corporate welfare and in the same swipe stop government waste.
You want to help the poor. . . ?
Get the system off their back.