Manners from heaven

Indeed this new year has started of with a few bangs.
I ended last year with an unplanned trip to Utah for the holidays, which was brilliant. But two days before our departure I was rear ended by a semi on I-5 (this busted my driver seat and smashed up the rear of my vehicle as you can see).
I have since purchased a brand spanking NEW 1982 vw quantum and I am eager to see if the claim that it gets 35 mpg on the freeway is true.
It does have a new engine and seems to be a solid little unit, but you never know till you try it.
Here is a shot of my injured 1984 vw Quantum. I hope to get it to drivable shape and then perhaps scoot Deb into the efficient 82 model for a few months while she is in school.
I have not yet purchased a laptop for her, though Angie and Christian have offered really good advice on units. More to come on that later.
I started a monthly speakers club for the westside Liberty seekers and you can get an update as to who will be speaking by joining the group (its free folks)
Now you do NOT have to be a libertarian to go and enjoy any of these events. We promote social tolerance and fiscal conservatism (which is different than neo-conservatism which is, in fact, conserving very little of it's original creed of limited government powers and now asking, nay forcing the world to live as it deems right. . . and. . and. . . was that a rant??? ah well, this is what blogs are for).
Best wishes,