K-talk Guests today 7/10/10

I am interviewing David Bacon today at 1:00 and Andrew McCullough at 1:30.

About David:

Author of the book "Illegal People: How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants," Bacon recently wrote the piece "Another Immigration Policy Is Possible." In it, he criticizes the proposals made by Representative Luis Gutierrez and Senator Charles Schumer, and the support for them by President Obama in his recent speech on immigration reform. Bacon's article states: "Grassroots groups don't like the proposals for new guest worker programs. They have been fighting raids, firings and increased immigration enforcement for years, and are angry that the Washington proposals all make enforcement heavier. They want the border demilitarized. And they believe any rational immigration reform must change U.S. trade policies that displace people in other countries." http://www.truth-out.org/another-immigration-policy-is-possible60995

Bacon added today: "People working without papers will be fired and even imprisoned under their proposals and raids will increase. Vulnerability makes it harder for people to defend their rights, organize unions and raise wages. That keeps the price of immigrant labor low. This will not stop people from coming to the United States, but it will produce more immigration raids, firings and a much larger detention system.

"Grassroots immigrant rights groups want an alternative immigration bill that would end trade-related displacement. The proposals made in D.C. do nothing about the root causes of forced migration while criminalizing migrants. We need a human rights policy that ends corporate displacement while protecting the rights of migrants."

About Andrew:

He is a lawyer, Utah Libertarian Party Chair, and candidate for Utah Governor.

"To illustrate how much work I have to do in publicizing my candidacy, just got a call from the Utah Democratic Party asking for a contribution. For the record: "I ain't no Democrat; I sure ain't no Republican. I only know one party, and that is freedom." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyc8HVMKXNg


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